Our Vision

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is progress.

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started" -- Mark Twain

Children as the main focus

We want to bring the focus back to the students, our children. They are the future and the future is now. Many schools are still an old-school which are no longer suitable in this digital era. We are not talking just about going paper-less, we are talking about such a noisy and fast-paced world we are in right now. Schools are full with activities which are often overlooked hence goes unrecorded. All those information can be recorded into a big-data model and then analyzed further with the help of Artificial Intelligence which of course build based on children psychology. There are vast variety of information that can be potentially recorded, saved and compiled. Our system collects and analyze their behavior with the help of expert psychologists who then can give both school/teachers and parents immeasurable useful information regarding their children.

"If you think information is expensive then you do not know the price of ignorance." – Robert Orben

Bring all schools into the future
and the future is now

Everybody wants to improve. Your teacher wants to improve. Many times we do not know what we are lacking maybe due to un-awareness or sometimes pride and emotions. With our system we can detect which teachers needs what kind of improvements, such as: social skills, teaching skills/methods or even tell them to have more fun and smile. Those character building training are all available but sometimes we do not know which would benefit us the most, hence Meda Solutions can help.

“Never lower your price, add value.” – Grant Cardone.